


Blog Dual Open, Avoid offline™

How to dual open a blog?
The answer is to deploy a VPS with GitHub...

Well, I admit that I used a clickbait title. The main purpose is to record how I successfully deployed a Hexo blog and then deployed it to GitHub.

Create a remote repository#

Create a repository on GitHub with the name "". This repository can generate a blog at "" after automated deployment. By using GitHub's powerful CDN outside of mainland China, our blog will have faster access speed. Note that I chose not to initialize the repository at the beginning to avoid some inexplicable pitfalls!

Modify site configuration#

In the root directory of the site, find the _config.yml file and look for the keyword deploy. Modify the entire section to:

The link in the repo field must be SSH, not HTTPS!!!

Configure git#

Generate SSH keys

Generate SSH key file:

Just press Enter three times, no need to set a password. Then find the key in the generated .ssh folder and copy all its contents.

Open the GitHub_Settings_keys page and create a new SSH Key.

The Title can be any title, then paste the contents of that was copied earlier, and finally click Add SSH key.


The above content is from GitHub+Hexo Detailed Tutorial for Building Personal Websites

Push the blog to GitHub
Okay, we can use the following command to push the blog to GitHub and achieve a certain level of neveroffline™!


Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.